Many names, including top international ones, were considered for the coveted role of the screen queen opposite bad-boy Aamir Khan in Dhoom 3. Finally it’s Katrina Kaif, after all, who has bagged the prized part. Katrina, it must be remembered, was Yashraj, Aditya Chopra and director Vijay Krishna Acharya’s first choice for the part. But the actress, hellbent on building on her wholesome image, had major misgivings about some of the things that the role required from her. There was the mandatory girl-in-a-bikini Dhoom shot. With her new policy of no kissing and no exposure Katrina begged off the role. Says a very reliable source, “Katrina very clearly told her dear friend Aditya Chopra that she would not be comfortable doing some of the scenes. Aditya told her she was crazy to turn down the chance of playing the Dhoom girl, and that too opposite Aamir Khan but Katrina is very clear about what she wants and doesn’t want to do on screen. And nothing could make her change her that. She suggested they look for someone else. ” The hunt for Aamir’s Dhoom girl even went international with hot global faces being considered. Incidentally a couple of A-list actresses got their publicity machinery to plant stories of being chosen for Dhoom 3. Says a source, “But the first choice, namely Katrina kept coming back to haunt the banner’s casting aspirations. They needed a girl who not only looked hot but also could look extremely homely and wholesome. A combination of Hema Malini and Zeenat Aman, that was the brief. ” Two factors made Katrina change her mind. The first was Aamir Khan. Having bagged a role with Shah Rukh Khan in Yash Chopra’s next she was keen to be paired with Aamir. And so, we believe, was Aamir. Finally there was a long and intense meeting between Katrina and Aditya Chopra just before she left for the shooting of Ek Tha Tiger in Dublin that clinched the matter. Both Katrina and Adi were in high spirits after the success of Mere Brother Ki Dulhan. Says a source, “Someone said Katrina was Yashraj’s lucky mascot. To this she quipped, ‘I really don’t like being called a lucky mascot. It makes me sound like a ghodi at the derby. ’Everyone including Katrina was in the mood to see Katrina say yes to Dhoom 3. ” Apparently in the meeting Aditya convinced Katrina as to why doing Dhoom 3 at this stage of her career would take her to another level. They spoke about the packaging and the projection. And they also spoke about the scenes that bothered Katrina. Apparently the kissing and bikini scenes have been taken care of. Says a source, “The scenes that scared Katrina have not been done away with entirely. But Adi and Katrina met on a middlepath. The scenes have been now modified to the advantage of both the parties. ” With Dhoom 3 Katrina Kaif becomes the only heroine in the history of Indian cinema to do 4 back-to-back films with the Yashraj banner. Katrina remained unavailable for comment. Apparently she is using the off-shooting hours in Dublin to get fighting-fit for Dhoom 3. Martial arts and samurai sword-fighting are part of the training for the part. Go ahead Katrina. Dhoom machale. |